Exosome Intravenous (IV) Drip

Minimally Invasive Treatment that May Reduce Inflammation, Promote Tissue Repair, Reduce or Eliminate Chronic Pain, and Improve Cognitive Function

 It has been observed that introducing exosomes via intravenous drip can help restore the ability of cells to communicate with each other. Aging, disease, injury, and the environment can disrupt this function over time, severely compromising the body’s natural regenerative responses. Simply put, exosomes tell cells how and when to react by “signaling” each other, and using T-cell-derived exosomes. , cells cannot effectively trigger processes essential for healing. Evidence is growing that exosomes delivered via IV can relieve pain and inflammation while arresting (or reversing) areas of chronic illness by restoring cell communication. 

 Intravenous exosome drips, while not yet FDA-approved, can have the same benefits (relieving chronic inflammation, pain from autoimmune disorders or fibromyalgia, degenerative diseases, and Lyme disease, etc.) as an injection, while offering an alternative delivery which may prove more effective in certain patients. For example, it may take longer for the body’s natural filtering to remove IV exosomes from the blood, giving them more time to work. It is a minimally invasive, outpatient procedure (requiring no anesthetic) that can be completed in less than an hour.

Reduce Inflammation

Promote Tissue Repair

Stimulate Immune Responses

T-cell-derived exosomes may “correct” our response to injury  

Improving communication among cells may aid regeneration

Precise immune system signals are critical to recovery


For some conditions, several exosome treatments will be needed for best results.